VIPP means Very Intense Pressure Pulses. It differentiates Cellsonic from all other forms of shockwave therapy. Our unique process leads to a rise time in the soundwave peaking 1000 times quicker than it does with a radial shockwave. This means we can penetrate faster and deeper, stimulating the healing in most indications significantly quicker than any other form of therapy.
The healing process is stimulated immediately, not over a course of multiple sessions. For an injured athlete, amateur or professional, the value in stimulating the healing process quicker can be priceless.

The Science


VIPP In Action

    We heal many injuries quicker than any other form of treatment - fewer visits, happier clients. A few examples:
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Jumper's Knee
  • Tendinosis Calcera
  • Impingement Syndrome
  • Heel Spurs
  • Pseudoarthrosis
  • Epicondylitis humeri radials and ulneris
  • Increasing use of VIPP in Pain Management in OA cases too reporting reduced pain and increased range of motion.

The Next Level

Not only are the muscles given more strength, they use less energy to deliver more power. If it was your car, it would go faster with less fuel.
The improvement is more than can be achieved by training. In all cases, the athletes were already training as much as they could.
Dr. Craig is one of our customers so he keeps us fully informed of his discoveries and what he reports in his publically published paper(s) is only part of what he is doing. A lame horse is now winning races. Volleyball players are jumping higher. Golfers are hitting the ball farther. All athletes want to improve. This is a big market. No drugs are used and there are no side effects
From treating the fit and strong, the next step is to treat the weak; to enable the feeble to move, to recover the strength they have lost. This may be a bigger market. By not using drugs, the patient is not being pushed forward at the expense of some other part of their body; "bringing them back to life" takes on real meaning.


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